Monday, December 28, 2009

This is undoubtedly the best part of the year. Holidays and that too around the weekend just adding to that extra bit of fun to the year end.

Even though there are no offs like for 10 days as other companies have around this, there is however an “Unofficial off” which is also as good as not coming to office… Team members are on off (that to at HO), some others around me are also on leave. Those who are present are either busy with wrapping up the annual reports, rest are just doin TP with their TP (thinking pad, as it’s called in IBM for a laptop).. and what am I doing??

I am enjoying this freedom from every day’s fire on activities, still getting a little bored…waiting for someone to ask for lunch, coffee etc…I wonder whether they are also thinking the same. And, look at my efficiency today, hv already completed the morning tasks and that too without any hassles. Why cant normal days be like that always…No calls, meetings, not many people around. Yet, it seems everyone is in a Holiday Mood and that’s when everyone enjoys being a part of the organization they belong to…

Today is just the first day of such a week, 3 more to go already waiting for the weekend…hopefully next 3 days should be better and full of fun…

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Anywhere but Home!!
While i sat through watching the flick called "anywhere but home" getting to know what Vince Vaughn and Resse Witherspoon fears were to go and visit their families again , i actually enjoyed the light film and the nice night out... However, since for a change i did not have anything to do this sunday i was wondering whether it could be same case with me or with many other people who r so used to having busy weeks and busy weekends... today when i am at home checking my FB, mails, etc etc and checking all the stuff that i had thought for doing since 3 weeks...i dunno there is a weird thought that how can one sit at home on a sunday...
i mean i actually dont know whether some1 else agrees with me on this thought...but the feeling thats coming is that how boring and stupid of me to sit at home...something within me keeps on reminding me that "Neha, u could have gone here and there and why didnt u call up that freind etc..." but actually the lazy neha wanted to spend time at home...(Really, did I...well confused)
Confessed that this is the most relaxing place and no matter how many fights i have had with my mom today it actually feels really nice...Wish i could do just nothing for some weeks together and be just locked up at my place and not go anywhere...cause Home is the best place...i am just left with one question in mind..."Why is it always imp to do something?"
while i figure out the answer to this question...half of my sunday is still left to enjoy...and i shall go do that now...take care and Be Happy :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


We all are made to enter the cool world of ice creams very early in our life…I am no exception to this also…However what made me and guess my friends and maybe everyone love this family of ice creams, sundaes and cones is the factor that I call as HCF (high cost factor).

I realised this after many years of consumption of a particular dessert which is anyone’s all time favourite though it has always been associated with high cost. Having the dessert almost after 4 years of graduating from college, nothing had changed. The same cup, taste, the big plastic spoon with which u endlessly try to dig out all the chocolate sauce…Another thing also that had not changed was its inflation rate…after every 2-3 years its price always increases and everyone who consumes it after some time starts talking about it…cause HCF has been everyone’s companion since the time people know about it.

I remember going to Nirulas with my parents after every school function or anything and eat it along with my sister. It used to be if Rs 50 only…as we grew up and never had enough pocket money saved to visit this place it almost cost 75 and we 6 people used to share one HCF…then it was 90, some years back…now something else. Every time we end up eating it after ages we remember the cost factor associated with it and the struggle at some point in our life to get the taste of it.

I am sure that more than the cost all of us cant afford the calories associated with the frequent consumption of it…I wonder whether the price graph of it will ever shift down …or else it will soon enter the exception to law of demand category cause it will always be a popular dessert amongst many…
And, if this is true HCF freaks would soon have to build up a HCF and i.e. High Chocolate Fund ;-)